This weblog is primarily for Yellow Dog Democrats to discuss politics and get our message to the public. What is a yellow dog Democrat? It's a Democrat who would vote for a yellow dog if it were running for office against a Republican! Our history over the last thirty years has proven Republicans are ruinous to our economy and freedoms! Radical Republican conservatives entering here do so at their own risks. This weblog is not a democracy. Thank you.

Monday, May 10, 2004

Yellow Dog Democrats

It's the economy, Stupid!

Yellow Dog Democrats!

This blog is primarily for Yellow Dog Democrats to discuss politics and get our message to the public. What is a yellow dog Democrat? It's a Democrat who would vote for a yellow dog if it were running for office against a Republican! Our history over the last thirty years has proven Republicans are ruinous to our economy and freedoms!

Radical Republican conservatives entering here do so at their own risks. This blog is not a democracy.
Thank you.

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