This weblog is primarily for Yellow Dog Democrats to discuss politics and get our message to the public. What is a yellow dog Democrat? It's a Democrat who would vote for a yellow dog if it were running for office against a Republican! Our history over the last thirty years has proven Republicans are ruinous to our economy and freedoms! Radical Republican conservatives entering here do so at their own risks. This weblog is not a democracy. Thank you.

Monday, May 17, 2004

Who was Hanan Saleh Matrud?

Why is this darling child's death less important than that of Nick Berg? People around the world are bemoaning Berg's heinous death, but this child seems to have been killed on a whim, and no one has investigated.

The report, titled "Iraq: Killings of Civilians in Basra and Al-Amara," also criticized UK authorities for failing to conduct investigations into the killings of civilians, citing the case of the death of 8-year-old Hanan Saleh Matrud last August near Basra as an example.

Saleh stood with other children about 70 meters from a British armored vehicle that stopped near the entrance of the alley which leads to her home.

According to eyewitness Mizher Jaber Yassin, a soldier aimed and fired a shot which hit Hanan in her lower torso. She died the following day.

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